Hat tip to wiccantexan
Czech archaeologists have uncovered a torso of a unique female statue created about 7000 years ago near Masovice, which is the second similar find in this locality
The 14-meter sculpture of a pregnant woman is the most valuable discovery of archeologists. It be the only one in the world.
According to archeologist Mykola Kogutyak, the sculpture is 5-6 thousand years old. “It is the interweaving of north Black Sea civilizations,” he said.
CHAT (Contemporary and Historical Archaeology in Theory)Unfortunately, it also clashes with the Re-enactors' Market, which I really like going to.
is a dynamic forum for innovative critical discussion that seeks to challenge and push the limits of archaeological thinking. To date this has been achieved through five annual conferences, publications and an active email discussion group. This year’s conference takes CHAT in a new direction, exploring connections between these theoretical perspectives and ideals and the more traditional concerns of heritage management practice.